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Outside Resources for Further Study

The following links will take you to resources we do not control. We do recommend these resources for further Bible study and have found them to provide good reading and/or sermons to further your search. We hope you find them helpful.


The purpose of Crossway has been, from its founding as a not-for-profit ministry in 1938, to publish gospel-centered, Bible-centered content that will honor our Savior and serve his Church. We seek to help people understand the massive implications of the gospel and the truth of God’s Word, for all of life, for all eternity, and for the glory of God. (Taken directly from the site. We believe you will find a wealth of good resources here.

Prestonwood Baptist Church

Full Disclosure – I am a member of this church in Plano, Texas. It has been a blessing to me and my family over the years. The church provides a wealth of valuable information, live stream sermons, and other resources you will find helpful.

The thing that drives our church is still and forever will be the Great Commission. For us, it is all about the Message—proclaiming it from the pulpit and getting it to as many people as possible.

Pastor Jack Graham
Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway is a great site that provides tools for Bible study, including various Bible versions, devotionals, an audio Bible and more. We think you will find this a very helpful resource for further study.


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